For many years, health promotion efforts have focused mainly on health determinants that related to the prevention of physical illness and disability, resulting in an increase in longevity. There was also a big focus on identifying and treating mental disorders, resulting in an increase in the quality of life for many people.
However, since the late 1980s, Psychological Science draws attention to the fact that health promotion also means, in addition to the absence of disease, the development and presence of individual and social resources that provide optimal mental functioning, self-realization, happiness and well-being (Diener, 1984, cit in Order of Portuguese Psychologists (2021). Scientific Contribution OPP – Organizational Well-Being. Lisbon.). There is little research on the concept of "organizational well-being" (organizational well-being; workplace well-being) and its definition is not consensual. In general, it is considered that the Organizational Well-being construct is a specific domain of well-being, composed of particular dimensions that positively or negatively influence the assessment of the workplace. Some authors suggest that the lack of consensus should draw attention to the importance of organizations building their own personalized definitions of organizational well-being, using the elements that are most relevant to your particular case (Bennet et al., 2017 cit in Order of Portuguese Psychologists (2021). Scientific Contribution OPP – Organizational Well-Being. Lisbon.). Organizational-in-being concerns all aspects related to working life, including the quality and safety of the physical context; the way workers feel in the workplace; the work environment; the organization of work and the working climate (Order of Portuguese Psychologists (2021). Scientific Contribution OPP – Organizational Well-Being. Lisbon). Some dimensions that influence organizational well-being include:
- Self-efficacy.
- Inclusion and support of colleagues and supervisors.
- Stress management.
- Control and meaning.
- Recognition and Reward.
- Context.
- Interface between personal and professional life.
- Management and leadership.
As has already been mentioned above, there is little research on the concept of "organizational well-being", but there is evidence of the importance of well-being in the workplace. Well-being is a central concept in organizational management, to the extent that it promotes the achievement of strategic organizational objectives. In the work context, well-being is associated with lower levels of stress and absenteeism and higher levels of motivation, compromise, innovation and satisfaction (Kun & Gadanecz, 2019 cit in Order of Portuguese Psychologists (2021). Scientific Contribution OPP – Organizational Well-Being. Lisbon). We know that workers' well-being experience contributes to productivity, creativity, and cooperation in work contexts. People, when they are happier, feel more motivated, become more persistent, lack less, change less jobs, create new ideas and establish better relationships with peers and customers. One of the main indicators of well-being in the work context is job satisfaction. Job satisfaction or dissatisfaction (satisfaction with the work itself, with peers, or with supervisors) has a very significant impact on the Psychological Health of the working person (De Neve et al., 2013; Diener & Seligman, 2004; Faragher et al., 2005 cit in Order of Portuguese Psychologists (2021). Scientific Contribution OPP – Organizational Well-Being. Lisbon). Another indicator, correlated with job satisfaction, is engagement with the workplace. Engagement it is a state of well-being in the workplace characterized by vigor, dedication, and absorption with tasks. High levels of engagement are associated with better performances, more pro-social behaviors, higher financial returns for organizations, more psychological well-being of workers, also a protective factor against burnout and other psychological health problems (Johnson et al., 2018 cit in Order of Portuguese Psychologists (2021). Scientific Contribution OPP – Organizational Well-Being. Lisbon). There are several conditions that facilitate well-being, highlighting:
- Promotion of work functions and positive working environments.
- Promoting awareness and reducing stigma and discrimination associated with Psychological Health problems.
- Support for workers with psychological health problems.
- Promoting work-life balance.
To finish, it is not possible to build healthier and more productive Workplaces, in which all productive and creative potential is maximized, without investing in the well-being of workers. It is important that companies gain this knowledge and that psychologists can act as essential partners in the implementation of conditions that facilitate organizational well-being.